Perfect Amino Electrolytes Online now

PERFECT AMINO® Electrolytes are precisely formulated for complete intracellular absorption in the exact ratios needed to maximize hydration of the cells so they can fully recover and operate at peak efficiency.
As essential amino acids are needed by our cells to fully utilize electrolytes, they are further enhanced with 2g of PERFECT AMINO® per serving for maximal effect, as well as nucleic acid building blocks to assist in proper amino acid utilization.
This is the most complete electrolyte product on the market.
Available in Orange, Passion Fruit, Lemon Lime, Mixed Berry & Watermelon.
PERFECT AMINO® Electrolytes are 100% Vegan, and free of Gluten, Soy, Dairy, Sugar, Toxins & MSG.
It contains no Erythritol, Aspartame, Neotame, Maltodextrin, or any other Artificial Sweeteners.
See how others use PERFECT AMINO® and ask all your questions in our Facebook VIP Group.
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- Naturally Sweetened
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Refresh. Restore. Rehydrate.
Electrolytes are necessary for hydration, energy, recovery, and mental clarity.
They power our nervous system, regulate our water levels, allow our cells to function, and are key to protein synthesis, recovery, and even brain function.
And they re vital for fat loss.
Lack of electrolytes can cause dizziness, cramps, headaches, exhaustion, mental confusion, and even affect our heartbeat.
But they are exact minerals and they re needed by the body in exact ratios.
Too much of one and not enough of another can actually exacerbate the problems they re supposed to address.
In fact, the wrong ratio can even cause dehydration and bloating, not to mention fat gain and slower recoveries.
PERFECT AMINO® Electrolytes are precisely formulated for complete intracellular absorption in the exact ratios needed to maximize hydration of the cells so they can fully recover and operate at peak efficiency.
But we go beyond this, adding in 2g of PERFECT AMINO® per serving of electrolytes, and this is important.
Essential amino acids are needed by our cells to fully utilize the electrolytes received. We cannot get the maximum benefit of electrolytes without our cells receiving essential amino acids at the same time.
No other electrolyte product has this.
PERFECT AMINO® Electrolytes is also free of the sugars, caffeine, colorants, and toxins other formulas use to make up for poor ratios.
It contains no Gluten, Soy, Dairy, Sugar, or Erythritol, and 100% Vegan.
PERFECT AMINO® Electrolytes is the complete electrolyte recovery solution.
They them today!
Most people think of electrolytes as something to take when they re dehydrated. And this is true.
But there s much more to it than that.
The amount of water in our cells directly corresponds to our cell s ability to take in oxygen and nutrients with which to create energy, and to expel waste.
They regulate both the amount of water in our cells, and whether or not to take in more water or let water out.
Salt allows water in and holds it, and potassium releases it.
If we have too much salt, we get bloating. But if we have too little salt then we can drink more and more water, but our cells can t take it in.
If we have too little potassium we also have bloating, as it doesn t let the water out. Too much potassium and too little salt and we can drink to hydrate but our cells push the water back out.
They must remain in balance for the proper water in water out system of our cells.
But when we sweat on a hot day or during a workout or run, we lose electrolytes through our sweat.
This can lead to either bloating or dehydration and affects our recovery ability, energy levels, nerve and brain function, and even our heart.
This is so much the case that just a 2% drop in body fat from loss of fluid can significantly lower athletic performance, bringing on tiredness, headaches, slow recovery from workouts, brain fog and irregular heartbeat.
And we get at least a 2% drop every time we work out or go for a long run. That s part of the tiredness afterwards, it s not just, being tired after a workout.
But only drinking water doesn t fix this. You could drink all the water in the world and still be dehydrated.
In fact, when you are dehydrated, drinking only water can actually dehydrate you more as it flushes out even more of our electrolytes.
And, as electrolytes regulate our cell s water in water out process, they re what allow nutrients and oxygen to enter the cell and toxic waste to be released.
If this doesn t happen to the degree it needs to then waste builds up inside the cell, causing free radicals to form, raising cortisol, causing cellular injury and decreasing protein synthesis for muscle building and recovery.
And without two electrolytes, magnesium and calcium, our mitochondria (the tiny organelles that take in oxygen and nutrients to create the energy our cells use) couldn t even produce energy in the first place, leading to lower energy levels, exhaustion, and slow recovery.
But electrolytes do more.
Our body is just one big conglomeration of trillions of cells. And for it to operate at all, these cells need to be able to communicate with each other and with the brain.
Some 20,000,000,000,000,000 bits of data are transmitted along our nerves every second.
And electrolytes are what allow these signals to be passed back and forth.
But these electrical charges are moving at a couple hundred miles per hour. And this speed is different for different areas or depending on the activity the body is engaged in.
Everything depends on these signals moving at the speeds needed: our heart, our blood flow, our muscles, our ability to move and how fast we can move or react, our ability to think, the proper functioning of each of our organs, our endurance, our ability to recover, protein synthesis, fat break down, and much more.
And this is where many of the other electrolytes come in. While our nervous system controls every aspect of our body, our nerves are not connected strands, they re millions of individual cells called neurons.
And electrolytes and neurotransmitters help pass the messages from one neuron to another. Without these, or if these are low, we get less or slower communication going from our brain (the largest nerve), down our nervous system, and to every part of our body.
So when this system breaks down it can bring on a wide range of unexplainable symptoms:
Irregular heartbeat, fast heart rate, fatigue and lethargy, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal cramping, muscle cramping, muscle weakness, irritability, confusion, headaches and even numbness or tingling.
In short, it s a lot more than just being thirsty.
Ensuring we maintain proper levels of electrolytes ensures our nerves and cells have what they need to stay hydrated, create energy and operate at peak efficiency and action.
Try PERFECT AMINO® Electrolytes today!
You’ve probably heard or read about artificial sweeteners being used more and more in everything from foods and drinks, to supplements and protein powders.
In fact, about 99% of the products on the market today contain artificial sweeteners, more than is even listed in many cases.
And many of them can be quite bad for us.
Which is why we have natural, plant-based sweeteners, such as stevia and monk fruit, right?
Well… Unfortunately, to save money, many ingredient providers add additional ingredients to these “natural” sweeteners, in many cases leaving the actual amount of real stevia or monk fruit at not just less than half of the total sweetener, but down to as little as 1%.
So you think you’re getting 100% stevia or monk fruit, but you’re very likely getting a mixture of 40%, 20% or even 1% actual stevia or monk fruit, and up to 99% erythritol, or even worse, an artificial sweetener like aspartame, sucralose or neotame.
Even when they say “Pure” or “Natural.”
And these sweeteners have been associated with some very real health troubles.
Even worse, while these other ingredients are sometimes listed on the ingredients panel, more often than not, the amounts used are more than are listed. Or, they’re just not listed at all and can only be found with exact chemical testing.
We know, because we’ve done third party tests to find out what is actually in different sweeteners marked as “pure” or “all natural”.
There are even synthetic variants of natural sweeteners now which can legally be labeled natural.
Well, we don’t agree.
We don’t care about the cost. We want only the best for you, for ourselves, and for everyone who uses our products.
So we searched, extensively, to find the best and most natural sweetening formulation system we could, that we could verify as being the most natural available… and we assembled it.
PerfectAmino Electrolytes now contain a synergistic formulation of three key natural and plant-based sweeteners, and no artificial sweeteners.
First we use natural monk fruit, with no additional sweeteners, fillers, or anything else. It contains no erythritol, many others do.
Then we add in Stevia Reb M, the highest quality, purest, and rarest extract from the stevia leaf (there is only .1% of this extract in the stevia leaf itself). And no, this is not the synthetic version that is now being sold legally as “Natural.”
Most other brands use a lower and less pure form called Stevia Reb A, and many don’t even use this purely. They also add erythritol to it, often not disclosed. We use 100% Stevia Reb M, which is the highest quality and the most expensive, and it has no erythritol or anything else added to it.
And finally we add in the Katemfe Fruit (Thaumatococcus Daniellii) Extract of West Africa, which is probably the most expensive ingredient on the market, at roughly 30-50 times the cost of Stevia and Monk Fruit, which acts as a key synergizing agent for our formula.
After extensive and exhaustive research, our source, for which we have an exclusive arrangement, is the only one we’ve come across that meets the FDA and European regulatory standards.
Every other source we checked and tested was found to contain hidden artificial sweeteners that we had to discover ourselves through extensive third party testing that we ordered.
With our exact formulation we now have both the best tasting electrolyte product there is, and at the cleanest and most natural levels possible.
And we think you’re going to love it.
Complete Hydration Formula
PERFECT AMINO® Electrolytes contain a precise ratio of electrolytes and minerals for optimal hydration and nervous system function, PERFECT AMINO® essential amino acids for full electrolyte utilization, and nucleic acid building blocks to assist in proper synthesis of PERFECT AMINO®.
PERFECT AMINO® Electrolytes are 100% Vegan and free of Gluten, Soy, Dairy, Sugar, Toxins & MSG.
It contains no Erythritol, Aspartame, Neotame, Maltodextrin, or any other Artificial Sweeteners.
PERFECT AMINO® Electrolytes Contains:
300mg of SODIUM: One of the most important electrolytes, mostly related to fluid and water regulation.
- 250mg of POTASSIUM: Responsible for the functioning of excitable tissues such as skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and nerves.
- 50mg of MAGNESIUM: Involved in over 600 cellular reactions from making DNA to helping your muscles contract.
- 80mg of TRACE MINERALS: The body uses trace minerals for various functions, including keeping your bones, muscles, heart, and brain working properly.
- 2mg of ZINC: Zinc is necessary for protein synthesis and DNA & RNA repair, bolsters the immune system, and helps to heal wounds.
- 2000mg of PERFECT AMINO®: Containing all of the essential amino acids, further enhanced with Nucleic Acid building blocks, PERFECT AMINO® is optimized to synthesize body protein, build muscle, repair injuries, speed recovery, and much more.
For Best Results
How much PERFECT AMINO® ELECTROLYTES you need depends on the situation.
For regular use during the summer, if you have been out on a hot day, have been sweating or in the sauna, or feel low energy, take one serving of PERFECT AMINO® Electrolytes mixed with 12-16 ounces of cold or iced water and sip slowly.
For workouts or runs, take one serving before hand, along with your PERFECT AMINO® tablets or powder and at least 12-16 ounces of cold or iced water.
For a long workout or run you may want to take a second serving of PERFECT AMINO® Electrolytes afterwards with another 12-16 ounces of cold or iced water and sip slowly.
And make sure to join our Facebook VIP Group if you haven t already, where you can ask any other questions and we can help you with anything you need.
We ll see you there!
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PERFECT AMINO® Electrolyte Labels
Mixed Berry
Passion Fruit
Lemon Lime
Additional Information
Size 60 serving containers, 30 serving containers
Flavor Orange, Passion Fruit, Lemon Lime, Mixed Berry, Watermelon
Bulk Savings 1 Container, 3 Pack, 6 Pack © 2025 All Rights Reserved
300mg of SODIUM: One of the most important electrolytes, mostly related to fluid and water regulation.